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Living at Ease

I wrote an essay in 2022 for an essay competition. Didn't get ranked or anything, never actually saw the light. I've always wanted to share it but didn't know where.

The prompt was about values. They asked: "What are the values that you hold dear? How can you best live your life in line with those values, and in doing so, what kind of society do you hope to create?"

So I wrote this.

"We might not be deemed to have much—capital value, employment value, academic value, relationship value, friendship value. What is worth, when we leave this plane of existence, the memories that linger through the mention of our names is intrinsic. The way we navigated on this earth, our actions, words, vehemence, even our inertia. The way we saw society and ourselves as a whole. Who, whom or what we put value on. That’s all it matters.

Important and wholesome values that I carry, and wish to carry on, are gratitude and respect. I mean, a pure concept of gratitude. The ability to look at what we have and feel, if not happiness, contentment. And respect, everything. All lives, ideas and points of views—except intolerance. When I mentioned life, it is all life that is biological, not just human life. Plants, who give us oxygen, herbs, vegetables, fruits, medicine, roof, clothes and the bees who help persevere them. The insects we overlook, animals we view solely as meat or transportation. Predators that kill, not as a sport or hobby, but to balance the ecosystem they live in and prevent overpopulation. Even the ones who clean up all mortal residues. They’re all life. And never, in a lifetime, forget to respect ourselves. Our bodies, our strength, competence and limits. They are simple, behaviors that are simple in a complicated world makes the difference.

Stop. Slow down. Breathe. Look around. Listen. There is time. I believe there is time for all and everything. And, because of that, I also believe our current society values can change, through time. We just have to cease power to the bad ideas that obstinate our minds. It’s hard, because they seem so right… so comfortable. It’s easier to act with violence than to listen. It’s easier to put the blame on others than to admit that you are not a victim. It’s easier to be lazing around than to actually do something.

If we shaped a society based on gratitude and respect, we would have less people complaining at the meagerest things. More acknowledgment of privilege. Less people wishing what they shouldn't have. Less people collapsing while thinking about the future, when they could live in the now. More willingness to compromise and bear understanding. Kindness and charity. Self-sufficiency. Love."

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